
Remote Work Works

Exploring the biggest trends and conversations on remote work, leadership, and entrepreneurship from around the globe

How globalization went from ‘nice-to-have’ to ‘must-have’

Even though it’s about spreading ourselves further out into the world, what globalization really does is make the world smaller. It brings talent, networks and information within our reach, no matter where they are. While globalization has been on the rise for decades, the global remote work experiment of 2020 meant that almost all of […]
November 09, 2023
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"The workplace” as we know it has changed. So, what makes a great workplace today?

The ‘workplace’ is an ever-evolving thing. In the last three years, it’s gone through prolific changes, moving from a typically office-based set-up to a hybrid (or completely remote) place. But it’s not just the whereabouts of the workplace that’s changing. The very premise of what we consider to be a ‘good’ workplace is going through […]
November 02, 2023
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Tick-boxes and tokenism: what to avoid when creating a truly diverse workplace

‘Diversity and inclusion’ has become such a common turn of phrase that many companies, industries and publications simply shorten it to ‘D&I’. And yet, just because it’s commonly discussed, doesn’t mean that we’ve nailed it as a practice. This article from Forbes confirms that, today, global boardrooms continue to be male-dominated. They’re also 70% white. Clearly, our […]
October 26, 2023
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Scaling a startup: how to do it like a pro

Starting a business from scratch isn’t easy—if it were, everyone would do it! It’s a risky venture, one that demands a lot of time, money and energy. While there’s no magic formula to bypass any of these challenges, there are certain things that successful start-ups do which consistently put them head and shoulders above the […]
October 19, 2023
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Forget the glass ceiling: how do we make more room for women at the corporate table?

For women in the world of work, we’ve all heard about the glass ceiling. We’ve also heard of - and likely experienced - people breaking through the glass ceiling….but pulling the ladder up after them. Well, we’re here to envision a new picture: one where there is no glass ceiling, but an equal table. And […]
October 12, 2023
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Do you know your handshake from your bow? Your cultural awareness may need polishing

In many ways, the working world is getting smaller. Technology is enabling us to connect with all four corners of the world and the rise in remote work has meant that borders are no longer barriers when it comes to networking and team building. We’re entering a period where, for the first time, a company […]
October 02, 2023
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What is ‘loud laboring’? The new work trend that’s driving employees towards burnout

Do you work with someone who’s a little too keen to share their accomplishments? Or perhaps you’ve noticed that certain colleagues talk a lot about their successes at work, but you rarely see results or notice them pulling their weight? Maybe you are worried about your performance, so you feel the need to remind people about your achievements. You […]
September 20, 2023
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Return to work or lose your job: the problem with Amazon’s hard line on remote work

“It’s not going to work out for you.” That’s the message Amazon CEO, Andy Jassy, has for employees who want to continue to work remotely. It’s perhaps unsurprising, given how untrustworthy Amazon generally is of its employees and their outputs, but it’s still a hard line to take, given how popular remote and hybrid work has become.  […]
September 14, 2023
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For the globally aging workforce - might remote work be the solution?

The working world is getting older. Younger generations are having fewer children, which has resulted in a drop in employment as more people enter their retirement years. While the decision to have children is never one to be taken lightly, the results of so many people choosing to stay childless is having a tricky impact […]
September 06, 2023
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Why a flashy rebrand won’t solve poor company culture. Just ask Twitter

In the past, a good rebrand could cover all manner of sins. Companies could change everything from their ethos to their logo in one swoop, and - if done well - public opinion could change just as rapidly. These days, while a fresh rebrand is still a valuable tool in keeping a brand current, the […]
August 30, 2023
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How to Thrive While Working Remotely

It’s a new but common misconception that working remotely gives you fewer opportunities to shine. We worry that, because we’re not actively turning up to an office five days a week, we’re not seen to be working as hard, or given as much credit for what we do. In reality, remote work allows us to […]
August 24, 2023
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Why “Bed rotting” won’t cure a bad day. Quite the opposite

Have you ever faced a day so bad that you just wanted to stay in bed? It’s a tempting option when we’re feeling sad, anxious or just can’t mentally manage what’s ahead, but studies show that the act of “bed rotting” (holing up in bed and pretending the day isn’t happening) is almost always going to make […]
August 16, 2023
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The death of the office - is it such a bad thing?

According to CNN, remote work risks wiping out $800 billion from the value of office buildings in major cities worldwide by 2023. The trend of working from home is pushing up office vacancy rates and driving down rents, but should we be mourning the loss of the office in 2023 and beyond?  It’s a well-known fact […]
August 16, 2023
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The Future of Work isn’t All Tools and Tech

When we imagine the workplace of the future, we might picture robots and technology. And while automation will undoubtedly have a key place in the future of work, one of the main changes businesses must brace for is that of the emancipated employee. Since the pandemic, workers have been handed more freedom to choose how […]
August 08, 2023
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AI won’t steal your job, but your fear of change might

When it comes to emerging technologies like machine learning and artificial intelligence, the news we hear about it comes hand in hand with fear. Fear that it will take our jobs, our livelihoods, the world as we know it. But, in the world of work, fear of change is a vicious cycle. The more we […]
July 28, 2023
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The world of work needs better leadership. Fast.

Gallup’s State of the Global Workplace: 2023 Report has a strong message for corporate leaders and managers: improve or lose the majority of your workforce. Gallup has released its State of the Global Workplace: 2023 Report and its message is loud and clear: the world of work needs better management. And the price of not […]
July 19, 2023
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You’ve heard of quiet quitting. Now meet the less subtle alternative used by 1 in 5 workers: LOUD quitting

Move over quiet quitting, the next phase of the unsatisfied employee is…loud quitting! Concerning new research undertaken by consulting and research firm, Gallup, has found that nearly 1 out of 5 workers are ‘loud-quitting’ their jobs, at a cost of $8.8 trillion to the global economy.   Unlike quiet quitting - the work trend that went viral on […]
July 13, 2023
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Going Beyond Perks: Building a Culture of Psychological Safety in the Workplace

Only a handful of years ago, many of us thought a good place to work depended on the kinds of perks that came with the job. Drinks trolleys, gym memberships and free breakfast were all indicators of a company that looked after its employees. But, as conversations around wellness and mental health have become more […]
July 13, 2023
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The globalization of work and how you can benefit from it

As technology becomes smarter and more widely accessible, the world of work is becoming increasingly borderless. We call this process globalization, and it’s only set to become more commonplace as the myriad of benefits present themselves. In the last three years alone, under the restrictions of various lockdowns, we have made astounding progress with remote […]
June 28, 2023
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Remote Work Misconceptions: The Myths vs the Facts

Three years on from the global shift to remote work, we can no longer pretend it’s something we’re still ‘trialing’. The fact is, we now know a lot about the choice to work remotely—the majority of it positive.  That said, apprehension around remote and hybrid work still rumbles on, likely down to continued misconceptions. Across the world, […]
June 22, 2023
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Bare Minimum Mondays might feel tempting, but they don’t solve the bigger problem

The newest TikTok work trend taking our algorithms by storm is yet another attempt to wrestle back some work-life balance. Bare Minimum Mondays, coined by TikTok user and stressed-out employee, Marisa Jo, has now racked up 2.2 million views on the video-sharing platform. The premise is this: to reduce the Sunday Scaries (the feeling of dread employees […]
June 14, 2023
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Rainbow washing - How to avoid it and be a true Pride ally

Unless this is your first Remotify newsletter, you’ll know that we advocate for all kinds of diversity, not just for the sake of it, but because diversity of thought has an unquestionably positive effect on business and company culture. That’s why, this Pride Month, we want to dig down into what makes a true ally […]
June 07, 2023
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What is Tall Poppy Syndrome? We explore the concerning trend that’s affecting 90% of women at work

In an ideal world, ambitious and talented women would be commended and celebrated for their triumphs in the workplace. But, according to concerning new findings from Women of Influence, there is an ever-present phenomenon that’s doing exactly the opposite. They call it Tall Poppy Syndrome.  Tall Poppy Syndrome is when women are attacked, resented, disliked, criticized, […]
May 31, 2023
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Elon Musk says remote work is “morally wrong”. But 88% of women see it as a path to gender equality at work

Almost as soon as it began, bosses attempted to abandon the remote work model. CEOs of major corporations like Meta, Salesforce and JP Morgan have all pedaled the narrative that remote work is a poison on our way of life, rotting productivity into the ground. Elon Musk is the latest to throw his opinion into […]
May 24, 2023
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AI Is on Its Next Wave, but You Needn’t Hang Up Your Work Boots Just Yet

In 2023, the conversation around artificial intelligence (AI) reached a new fervour—likely due to a singular new product: ChatGPT. The nifty AI chatbot has been making headlines since its launch in November last year, mainly because it has put the scope of AI intelligence into the hands of the masses. Almost overnight, anyone from social […]
May 22, 2023
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Women in Leadership: Separating Facts from Fiction

Whether we’re talking about race, religion, disability, gender, or sexual orientation, there is no such thing as diversity for diversity’s sake. The positive impacts of bringing together people with different life experiences are well-documented and richly varied. And no place is this more apparent - but still hugely underrepresented - than the world of corporate […]
May 09, 2023
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The Pitfalls of Freelancing (and How We Can Overcome Them!)

For anyone weary of the corporate 9-5 set-up, freelancing offers an amazing alternative career path that gives people the freedom to be an employee, leader and decision-maker—all in one. And it’s not just proving popular for individuals. New research by Fiverr found 78% of companies will rely on freelancing in 2023 rather than adding permanent staff. But, […]
May 09, 2023
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What Makes a Good Boss?

It’s pretty easy to distinguish what makes a bad boss. Perhaps because the experience of having one stays with us for so long and with such dreadful clarity! But what about good bosses? What are the traits that we really value in our leaders? What kinds of actions and reactions make us remember them fondly, […]
April 05, 2023
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Working Remotely? Let’s Get Visible

Although remote work comes with a ton of benefits, both for employees and business leaders, there are inevitable issues that we come up against when making the decision to work from home. Mostly around visibility.  When it comes to job progression, many of us are worried that remote work puts us at a disadvantage. In […]
March 29, 2023
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Avoiding ‘The Sunday Scaries’ Comes Down to Culture

We’ve all heard of the Monday Blues but, according to new research, it’s the Sunday Scaries that are affecting our moods the most.  Named after that anxious feeling we get as the weekend ends and the working week looms, the Sunday Scaries have likely affected all of us now and again. But where do we draw […]
March 22, 2023
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Separate Happy Work From Work-y Work

No matter how much you might love your job, there will always be tasks you like doing more than others. Perhaps you love creative brainstorms but hate doing your timesheets? Or maybe you get email anxiety but adore the time you get to do what you do best, whether that’s writing, coding, creating, or building […]
March 09, 2023
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Forget multitasking. Unitasking is the way forward

We often praise people who are great at multitasking, but the ability to do several things at once might not be as productive or as effective as it first sounds.  Off the back of the pandemic, attitudes towards the workplace have changed drastically. Generally speaking, we have become more self-aware about how much of ourselves […]
March 09, 2023
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The Global Talent Shortage: Causes & Solutions

While the Great Resignation may not be headline news anymore, workers across the world are still quitting their jobs in droves. The trend, which began as a result of the pandemic, saw millions of people resign from their jobs after a significant shift in perspective on labour, well-being and work/life balance. And it’s still going […]
March 09, 2023
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2023 Trends in the World of Work

At the moment, it seems the only certainty for the year ahead is…uncertainty! 2023 is set to be a tricky one for both businesses and employees. After all, we’re still very much dealing with the effects of the war in Ukraine and the after-effects of the global pandemic. Nevertheless, we can make some educated guesses […]
March 09, 2023
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New Year’s Work Resolutions to Keep…You Happy!

For better or worse, 2022 brought about some critical conversations about work. It was the year of Quiet Quitting, the aftermath of The Great Resignation, and the year many of us finally put a name to our burnout.  Culturally, the last year has indicated a shift in perspectives on how we work and how far […]
March 09, 2023
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2022 Reflection: Enabling Freer Lives Through Remote Work

There was a time - not so long ago - when it was in vogue to work yourself to the bone, to give everything you had to your job at the expense of everything else. “Eat, sleep, work, repeat” and “I’ll sleep when I’m dead” were phrases people actually lived by, as though forgoing all […]
March 09, 2023
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The gift of giving: Human nature and the act of giving back

Christmas is just days away, which means many of us have spent the last few weeks buying gifts for our loved ones…and maybe even ourselves! While it’s widely known to be the season of giving, the very act of giving has an interesting effect on us, psychologically—creating a positive spiral that makes us happy in […]
March 09, 2023
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How to beat holiday burnout

Twinkling lights, delicious food and - for many of us - a whole lot of stress!  Yes, it’s no secret that Christmas can be joyful and painful in equal parts. After all, it’s expensive, it’s family-oriented (upsetting for many for all sorts of reasons) and - depending on where you are in the world - […]
March 09, 2023
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"A Workplace For All” What Does It Mean and How Can You Be One?

For anyone that’s been keeping up with this newsletter, you’ll know we’re all about practising what you preach when it comes to being a good workplace, whether that’s company culture or your impact on the planet. In the same vein, we believe that being a diverse and inclusive workplace that works for everyone - no […]
March 09, 2023
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Been laid off? This one's for you

Hey. How are you?  We’re guessing you’ve probably been better.  While layoffs have been happening across the globe in staggering numbers, it doesn’t make it any easier when it happens to you. Your situation is unique and complex and it’s okay to feel derailed by the news.  Whether you loved your job or hated it, […]
March 09, 2023
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Why it’s in your interests to keep your employees

Over the last month, we’ve seen staggering mass layoffs at social media giants Twitter and Meta (formerly Facebook), with the latter getting rid of 13% of its staff - that’s 11,000 people, and the former firing nearly half of its people…via email.  While times are hard across the board within the tech sector - Amazon also […]
March 09, 2023
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International Women’s Day: What Does Equity Mean in Practice?

This International Women’s Day, the word on everyone’s lips is equity.   Unlike equality, which is the act of giving an individual or group of people the same resources or opportunities, equity recognises that we are all different. And that we, as individuals, may need different resources or opportunities in order to achieve balance, overall.  Giving […]
March 09, 2023
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Closer to Home: A Recession-Busting Strategy for Business Owners

Across the globe, everyone from everyday workers to corporate giants seem to be feeling the financial pinch. In fact, most signs are pointing to a global economic recession, with 91% of chief financial officers (CFOs) believing an economic crisis is inevitable and more than a third (36%) predicting a recession this year.  Because of this, […]
March 09, 2023
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Practicing What You Preach Part Two: Culture

When it comes to the world of work, practicing what you preach is becoming an increasingly valued trait. In the same breath, getting caught red-handed virtue signaling or making empty promises as a way to allude that you’re doing more than you actually are, is getting cracked down on in a BIG way.  In part […]
March 09, 2023
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Practicing What You Preach Part One: Greenwashing

The issue of greenwashing continues to rumble on, with climate activist Greta Thunberg refusing to attend the UN’s climate conference in Egypt, COP27, because it encourages “lying, cheating and greenwashing.” This news comes after global bank HSBC had its latest advert banned on the grounds of greenwashing—one of the first significant examples of this kind of repercussion.  […]
March 09, 2023
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Burnout: causes, effects and how to avoid it!

By now, most of us have heard the phrase “burnout” being thrown around—whether that’s in relation to our work, social lives or personal responsibilities. For anyone still scratching their head when they hear it, burnout refers to a state of physical and emotional exhaustion, commonly occurring when someone has been living in a state of […]
March 09, 2023
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Quiet Quitting & the Blame Game: Who’s Really At Fault?

This summer was the summer of “quiet quitting”. If you weren’t engaging in it, you were certainly hearing about it. The phrase, coined predominantly on TikTok, proceeded to make waves across the globe. The premise? Unsubscribing to the idea of hustle culture, aka going above and beyond in your job. You still perform your duties, but […]
March 09, 2023
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Productivity Paranoia: Does Your Boss Have Trust Issues?

It’s no secret that remote work is often a touchy subject between bosses and workers. Following the global pandemic, bosses from some of the world’s biggest companies actively tried to pedal a return to the way things were, at odds with workers who had adapted to - and wanted to keep - the benefits of working […]
March 09, 2023
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Purpose Makes Perfect

Since records began, human beings have been searching for meaning in their lives. Whether it’s through religious, spiritual, intellectual or interpersonal relationships and activities, we feel comforted by the idea that our lives have a purpose—that we’re not just existing for existence’s sake.  It’s no different in the world of work.  Recent research undertaken by Great […]
March 01, 2023
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Trusting Isn’t Easy…But It’s Crucial

Trust takes practice. That’s why we do ‘trust exercises’ or ‘build trust’. It’s not something that comes easily—especially if our trust has been taken for granted in the past. Nevertheless, when it comes to the world of work, an environment with no trust is a tumultuous one. So, in order to be excellent business leaders […]
March 01, 2023
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